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Popular Dance Styles Around the World!

Sometime this year, I will be going on a Mediterranean Cruise to Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Montenegro. Today, I will be writing about the most common and popular dances in those places and in America, where I live.

Let's start with America. In America, the most popular dance is contemporary. If you didn't know, contemporary is based off of ballet and lyrical. Contemporary has lots of emotions and feelings.

Next, is Italy. In Italy, most people enjoy Italian Folk Dancing, a dance that is preformed at celebrations, feasts, and gatherings. Usually, non-professional dancers execute this dance. It is full of fun, and passed down from generation to generation in families.

Then, we move on to Croatia. In Croatia, people like Croatian Folk Dancing. Croatian Folk Dancing is performed in circles. Dancers perform different kinds of kicks and jumps.

Now, we go to Slovenia. In Slovenia, dancers do the "Kolo." The "Kolo" is executed very similarly to folk dancing, except it looks like River Dancing. This dance can be performed by anyone-professional or not.

Next, is Greece. In Greece, dancers enjoy a dance called "Sirtaki" This dance can be fast or slow, depending on what tempo, or speed, you are using. Musicians would understand that this dance can be used in a 2/2 tempo or a 4/4 tempo.

Last, bu not least, is Montenegro. Professional dancers in in a Folk Esamble perform folk dancing. This type of folk dancing is pretty close to the other folk dances we talked about earlier. Dancers get into a circle, facing each other, and do little kicks and steps.

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