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Why Are Dance Reality Shows SO Popular?

Over the course of several years, reality tv shows have become more and more popular, such as any "Got Talent" from each country to "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." However, people have been watching more dancing reality tv shows. There is "So You Think You Can Dance," "Dancing With the Stars," "World of Dance," and many more. Why are they so popular all of a sudden? Today, we will find out!

People like to watch reality tv shows in general because they can relate to the people on the show. Viewers also like these shows because they feel empathy for the people. So, why dance? Well, dancers at home like to see other dancers just like them perform. Dancers can feel inspired by others and might even audition for a reality tv show too.

"So You Think You Can Dance," "Dancing With the Stars," "World of Dance," and other shows have shown that anyone from anywhere can come and dance. That alone makes people want to come and audition to show the world what they are made of! (:


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