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Life Without Ballet is Pointless

Ballet is usually the first style to come to mind when you think of dance. You picture pink tutus, black leotards, satin shoes, and classical music. But ballet is so much more than just that. Other than being a fun sport and passion for many people, ballet is extremely important for all dancers. While the title of this post is a pun, it is also quite true. Dancers who do jazz, tap, ballroom, hip hop, musical theater, and more need ballet training to dance their best. Ballet is the root of all technique; from jumps to leaps. Dancers know that having good balance while turning is important, and turning is in every style of dance. Dancers also know that to jump, you should plie beforehand to get maximum height. There are many different types of jumps in each style, so this simple ballet move comes in handy. Those are just two examples of ballet being a necessity for all other styles. Hip hop and ballet are two very different styles, but require the same amount of technique. Here's just one example...

As you can see, with the right ballet training, you can preform all styles almost effortlessly. (:

Ps.. I also have an Instagram! Follow DOA @dancersofamericablog

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