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A Good Challenge

Many dance routines and famous ballets tend to be group dances. Group dances are typically the easiest routines to choreograph because of spacing reasons. But what about a nice challenge?

When choreographers choreograph trios or duets, spacing is always an issue. With a group dance, you can fill up the stage easily. However, trios and duets are harder to choreograph because choreographers want the spacing to be equal between the dancers. This means, unlike group routines where everyone has a window, the dancers in trios or duets have to be careful of where they are on stage.

A few years ago, I was in a trio called "Lose Control". Originally, the dance was a small group with four girls, but one girl could not be in the dance anymore. This left the dance as a trio. Working on spacing and timing for this trio was very important for my teacher. Some of the choreography and placings had to change due to one member of the group leaving.

This is just one example of how choreographers need to work hard and focus a lot on creating trios and duets. In most routines, dancers have what is called a window. A window is a space between other dancers that they stay in. Having a window in a duet is harder than having a window in a group routine because you only have one other person with you on stage. Your window is half of the stage, while the other person gets the other half of the stage.

Other than spacing, duets and trios are difficult because if you mess up, the audience and judges will see that and notice your mistake. When you are dancing on stage with other dancers, and you make a mistake, that mistake won't be as noticeable compared to being in a duet or trio.

I know I am making duets and trios out to look very difficult, but they are still fun. Duets and trios are a cool way to get to know people and also have your teachers critique you in ways that they couldn't with a bunch of other students in the class. Being in a duet or trio is like having a private class, just with one or two other dancers there. Duets and trios are exciting and look great on stage. (:

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